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Top 12 Large Scale Industries in India | Management


Large Scale Industries in India

The term ‘large-scale’ is generic in nature and includes different types of industries. In India, the subsequent heavy industries fall into the purview of large-scale industries:

  • Iron and industry
  • Textile Industry
  • Automobile Manufacturing Industry
  • Over the last 20 years, Information and Technology (IT) industry has evolved and has contributed huge revenues while creating thousands of jobs for Indians. Hence, many economists include it within the large-scale industry sector.
  • Telecom Industry
  • Information Technology Industry
  • Petroleum and gas Industry
  • Silk Industry
  • Fertiliser Industry
  • Jute Industry
  • Paper Industry
  • Cement Industry

It is important to notice that these industries are either manufacturing units or those which use both indigenous and imported technologies. Here are some more


Production management involves the design, organization, direction, and execution of production activities. the last word goal of any production management solution is to convert a set of raw materials into a finished product. Some people ask production management because the bringing together of the 6 'Ms.':

  1. Men
  2. Money
  3. Machines
  4. Materials
  5. Methods
  6. Markets


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